
Kerala Education Minister Convincing Tasks to Transgender Teachers

Thiruvananthapuram: Teacher Transgender Aneera Kabeer met Minister of Education V Sivankutty and submitted a memorandum seeking assistance after losing a…

3 years ago

The Future of UK PM is uncertain after the Kuncian party apology

LONDON: British Prime Minister Boris Johnson's Premiership is in a balance on Thursday when he faces a call from his…

3 years ago

Ballot Secret Letter Provides BJP Insights to Karyakartas Preferences

Margao: BJP on Wednesday held a secret ballot exercise at the Party District Office in Margao to measure the popularity…

3 years ago

Punjab: Propaganda opens Sikh must stop, said Sikh Forum

Jalandhar: said that efforts have been made to connect the Sikh community in general with "intelligent security hoses due to…

3 years ago

Punjab: Spokesperson for Damdami Taxi Join the Saffron Party in Jalandhar

JaLandhar: Sikh Seminary Spokesperson Damdami Taxi Sarchand Singh joined the presence of the Punjab BJP Punjab and Affairs minister who…

3 years ago

PM Modi to the chair met with the head of minister in the Covid-19 situation today

New Delhi: In the midst of surging Covid-19 cases after the emergence of the Omicron variant, Prime Minister Narendra Modi…

3 years ago

BJP to intensify protests, say false nod centers claims

Thiruvananthapuram: The BJP State Office Carrier meeting here on Wednesday decided to intensify the Protest Programs on the K-Rail project…

3 years ago

The Minister guarantees work to the Transgender teacher

Thiruvananthapuram: Teacher Transgender Aneera Kabeer met Minister of Education V Sivankutty and submitted a memorandum seeking assistance after losing a…

3 years ago

‘There is no big problem in the distribution of the ration’

Thiruvananthapuram: Minister of Food and Civil Food Minister G Anil on Wednesday has denied reports that the distribution of rations…

3 years ago

Contractual Sanitation Workers Contact Strike 44 Days

Ranchi: Kontraktual Workers Mission Swachh Bharat (Gramin) called their 44 days protest on Wednesday after Mandar Mla Bandhu Tirkey came…

3 years ago