
The outskirts of Chennai got more rain than the core area

Chennai: With many convective activities that occur far from the coast to the country, the suburbs have recorded excess rainfall…

3 years ago

Medicine for curly hair

Most people with curly hair will be related to this - how many times have you watched your hair look…

3 years ago

This strange weather in Hyderabad is an expert Monsun Baffles

Hyderabad: The strange weather above Hyderabad this rainy season has confused weather experts, because the city has seen a high…

3 years ago

Bad luck stroke: different heat to worry

New Delhi: When humans feel hot, they cool themselves with sweating.However, if the moisture is too high, sweating no longer…

3 years ago

Don’t blame the weather if it feels hotter than he said

New Delhi: You must peek at your mobile screen to check the temperature outside, see the application displays 38 degrees…

3 years ago

The perfect beauty routine at home

The best thing that you can do while sitting at home is pamper your skin.It is the most vulnerable organ…

3 years ago

Cyclone Yaas:Incessant rain in Kolkata on Thursday

KOLKATA: When Kolkata received irregular and moderate showers throughout the cyclone on Wednesday, it had been fraught by a surprise…

3 years ago