
Immediately, automatic piezometer to check water levels in the city

Gurgaon: To improve water level monitoring in the city, the Metropolitan Development Authority Gurugram plans to use an automatic piezometer,…

2 years ago

Goa: All 12 talukas have a land level of land ‘safe’

Panaji: All twelve talucas from Goa are under the 'Safe' category in connection with groundwater situations.In a report, the central…

3 years ago

Monsun is not interesting, more rainy possibilities: IMD

New Delhi: Monsun may not begin to withdraw from the country in the next 10 days or more, with two…

3 years ago

Monsoon is in ‘Normal Ujung’, said IMD

New Delhi: Although the normal rainfall forecast above in September, the Indian Meteorology Department (IMD) on Wednesday estimates that seasonal…

3 years ago

Monsun Indian Patchy Set to entertain coconut traders 3,000 miles away

New Delhi: The autumn rain that faltered in India believes as a risk for domestic soybeans and peanut plants, and…

3 years ago

Bad water can cause a weaker monsoon, find a new study

New Delhi: While the health and economic impacts of air pollution have been well documented over the past decade, a…

3 years ago

Gujarat: 9.5 lakh hectares of irrigation land by 39 dams

Gandhinagar: Gujarat government will store enough water in 56 state reservoirs to supply drinking water requirements until September 30.The government…

3 years ago

Kharif sow may remain 1 percent lower than last year at uncertain rainfall: report

Mumbai: The uneven distribution of monsoon rainfall is likely to have an impact on Kharif's sowing, which is expected to…

3 years ago

Explore the road in the market area of Jaipur a nightmare

Jaipur: Rainwater roads and laying on a sustainable underground pipe in the main market area of ​​the city and colonies…

3 years ago

Full Monsoon Quota, T’Gana District Reel Under Floods

Hyderabad: Because the rain continuously kept pounding Telangana, meteorologists were announced on Friday that the Nirmal District, Siddipet and Yadadri…

3 years ago