
When Shatrughan Sinha Meet Mumtaz

It was a pleasant surprise for Shatrughan Sinha when the veteran actress Mumtaz visited the Mumbai Actor-Politician residence.Sinha Shatrughan who…

3 years ago

Uttar Pradesh: The Trans-Gang-Ganga Prasagraj Region is tense after the carcass of 4 cows found; 2 Order

Prasagraj: The recovery of four cow carcasses on Friday caused tensions in the Malava and the area side by side…

3 years ago

Mumtaz at the meeting of Reeena Roy, Farah Khan

A few days ago, Mumtaz's picture, Mallika Randhawa (sister), Reena Roy, and Farah Khan made the waves on the internet.Mumtaz,…

3 years ago

Three dead limp to death in the tank in the advice of Bihar

Patna: Overall three people died of weakness when releasing the wooden center in the septic tank in a newly built…

3 years ago

Women donate some heart to save your husband’s life

Hyderabad: A woman donated a portion of her husband to save her life in a hospital in Hyderabad.Venkata Subba Reddy…

3 years ago