
Fight Covid: Jharkhand extends Professional Services of retiring govt Physicians up to 10 months

RANCHI: Facing deficit of medicos to resist against the lethal second tide of Covid-19 from the country, Jharkhand on Monday…

3 years ago

BJP Requires a dig Kamal Nath on Cong’s Twitter Standing,’Nath is Coming’

BHOPAL: Have a dig in Madhya Pradesh Congress that has shifted its social networking standing into"Janata khadi hai saath, Laut…

3 years ago

Total Effect of 2nd wave on the Market not likely to be Big: CEA

NEW DELHI: Chief economic advisor (CEA) K Subramanian on Monday reported the total effect of the next wave of Covid-19…

3 years ago

Covid Answer: Collaboration is Very Important, Pune Version Reveals how

In the Wright brothers to Watson and Crick who analyzed the arrangement of their DNA, collaborations have consistently played a…

3 years ago

Sensex surges 515 points Forward of GDP Information; Nifty Strikes New closing high in 15,583

NEW DELHI: Equity indices jumped Monday with standard BSE sensex increasing over 500 points led to gains in banking and…

3 years ago

Covid vaccine: Policy makers must have’ears ground’, SC States on Compulsory registration on CoWIN

NEW DELHI: The Supreme Court Monday introduced looking questions regarding the Centre about the COVID-19 vaccine procurement coverage and demand…

3 years ago

Covid-19: Bangladesh Goes Continuing India border Closed

DHAKA: Bangladesh government has chosen to expand the continuing ban on people traveling through land ports to India until June…

3 years ago

Today, KIIFB to Concentrate more on project Execution

Thiruvananthapuram: The Kerala Infrastructure Investment Fund Board (KIIFB) which has been showcased by the LDF authorities as a respected and…

3 years ago

Want green clearance? Construct Covid care facility

Thiruvananthapuram: The country environment impact evaluation capacity (SEIAA) has cautioned setup of a Covid maintenance centre at 1 percent of…

3 years ago

Uttar Pradesh oxygen tanker driver’s moment of glory by PM Narendra Modi

VARANASI: Inside His Own Mann Ki Baat on Sunday, Prime Minister Narendra Modi Spoke to a Catalyst of oxygen tanker…

3 years ago