
Defeat the mucor, but necrosis because of the surface of freezing

Nagpur: About two months after being diagnosed with mukormycosis, some patients have been found suffering from osteomyelitis bone frontal and…

3 years ago

Post-covid scourge? The case of ‘bone death’ soared in Maharashtra

Mumbai: There is a surge in the case of 'bone death' or avascular necrosis among post-covid patients throughout the country,…

3 years ago

Does Covid steroid drugs cause avascular necrosis?

Mumbai: Avascular necrosis (AVN), or bone tissue death, can be a subsequent weakening condition among post-covid patients after the rupture…

3 years ago

Covid-19: Now, the death of bone tissue related steroids is worrying about doctors

Mumbai: Avascular necrosis, or bone tissue death, can be a subsequent weakening condition among post-covid patients after the outbreak of…

3 years ago