
Three Great Olympic Great Hamish Bonds Retirement After Tokyo Olympic Glory

Rower Hamish Bond announced his retirement on Thursday, dropping curtains on a sparkling career where he became the first New…

2 years ago

Neeraj Chopra will be given a param vishisht seva medal

New Delhi: Other feathers in a famous career Neeraj Chopra as the Tokyo Olympic gold medalist will be given with…

2 years ago

Star Archery Couple Deepika Kumari, Asan Das Drop from the Tops Program

New Delhi: Star Archer Deepika Kumari and her husband Atanu Das on Thursday dropped from the Olympic Podium scheme Olympic…

2 years ago

Satwikaraj and Chirag rose to 8 ranked BWF after Win Open India

New Delhi: Twice Olympic Medal of the Sindhu PV and former world number one Kidambi Srikanth remains static in the…

2 years ago

IOA Head of Narinder Batra and his wife positive test for Covid-19

New Delhi: President of the Indian Olympic Association Narinder Batra and his wife has tested the positive Covid-19, said the…

2 years ago

The Ministry approved additional financial assistance for Bajrang Punia

New Delhi: SELL Olympic sports service mission (MOC) has provided additional financial assistance to the None of Rs 1.76 lakh…

2 years ago

Ravi Dahiya Starts Queens Baton Relay in India

New Delhi: Tokyo Olympic Silver Medal Wrestler Wrestler Ravi Dahiya kicked Indian legs from Queens Baton Relay for Birmingham Commonwealth…

2 years ago

Trinidad and Tobago Sprinter Lendore Dies aged 29

Olympic Committee Trinidad and Tobago said the Sprinter Deon Lendore was killed in the United States at the age of…

2 years ago

Japanese gymnastics legend Kohei Uchimura retires at 33

Tokyo: Olympic Gymnastics Twice All-Around Champion Kohei Uchimura has retired 33 years old, his management said on Tuesday, ending a…

2 years ago

Traveling photo show to tour Jan 29

Thiruvananthapuram: Exhibition of international photography will be held from 13 to 24 February in the city in connection with the…

2 years ago