
Google will bring this UI change with the next Wearo device

Most smartwatches that are running Wearos are expected to be used in certain orientation.They are ideally used in the left…

2 years ago

Delhi: du their trip starts from the front of the screen

New Delhi: Delhi University's First Year students will spend the first day of college in front of their laptops and…

3 years ago

Iim-Calcutta Top Rank Bags in Surveys for Business Schools

New Delhi: India-Calcutta Management Institute (IIM-C) has pocketed the top position in the 2021 edition of B-Survey B-MDRA Business Today-Mdra.…

3 years ago

Don’t submit these questions to LGBTQ friends

The world tries to be a more inclusive place where everyone, regardless of gender, race, caste, sexual orientation, skin color,…

3 years ago

The new academic session starts at IIT Bhubaneswar

Bhubaneswar: IIT Bhubaneswar has completed receipt to all programs except for the first year of Btech.Therefore, the new academic session…

3 years ago