
Secondly Covid wave Could Abandon Rs 2 lakh crore Score on economic Outcome: RBI

MUMBAI: The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has estimated the next tide might cause a Rs 2-lakh-crore reduction in output…

3 years ago

Workforce Decreased to halfan Noida NSEZ plans Project portal Site to fill void

Noida: The Noida Special Economic Zone (NSEZ) is appearing at a technological option because of its labor issue. It's likely…

3 years ago

Maruti to Enhance production of oxygen generators

NEW DELHI: Maruti stated it's improving creation of oxygen generators with small components to satisfy demand amid the next wave…

3 years ago

Liquid oxygen output 10 times as Authorities readies for 3rd Tide

NEW DELHI: Using got industry to creep up liquid oxygen output from 10 days, the government is now trying to…

3 years ago