
BJP Parliament Board is dissolved in Gujarat

Gandhinagar: Country BJP President C R Paatil Reconies the Country BJP Parliamentary Council and the Core Group Committee ahead of…

3 years ago

BJP head attracts a road map for assembly polls next year

Rajkot: BJP President C R Paatil prepares a roadmap for the selection of the Assembly scheduled for next year, especially…

3 years ago

With eyes in 2022 Gujarat polls, the Head of the BJP Country offered an open offer to the MLA Cong to join the ruling party

Amreli: BJP President Gujarat C R Paatil on Thursday gave an open offer to the MLA Congress from Rajula Constitution,…

3 years ago

Paatil tells cadres not to be friends with government officers

Letter: After aggressive takeover as Head of the State BJP, C R Paatil has tried to enforce strict disciplinary rules…

3 years ago