
H5N1 confirmed on Crows with Lake Sambhar Raj

Jaipur: After the National Institute of High security animal disease, Bhopal, confirmed the existence of the H5N1 influenza virus in…

3 years ago

Poultry in locking after Belgium detects bird flu

Brussels: Belgium ordered his poultry to locking from Monday after detecting cases of bird flu in wild duck, expanding the…

3 years ago

Tamil Nadu: Five Camel Dies at Vandalur Zoo

Chennai: Five ordinary ostriches (Struthio Camelus) falls dead at home at Park Zoology Arignar Anna on Wednesday.According to the Ministry…

3 years ago

France saw an outbreak of bird flu as a virus spread again in Europe

Paris: France has increased the warning rate of its bird flu after a severe form of virus found among backyard…

3 years ago

Lab makes prohibited drugs damaged

Bharuch / Letter: Police Special Operations Group (SOG) Bharuch on Wednesday stormed the illegal drug laboratory that was running with…

3 years ago

Gurugram Boy who has bird flu dies because of leukemia: aiims

Gurugram: Sushil Kumar, a 11-year-old boy from Gurugram who has contracted H5N1 Avian Influenza and died at AIIMS Delhi on…

3 years ago

Transportation problems take chicken, egg prices for high ‘locking’

Kolkata: The retail price of chicken and eggs has reached the peak witnessed a year ago following the Kuncian.While the…

3 years ago

Business sells Particular eggs to Get Medicine and strikes it rich

MUMBAI: A chemical manufacturer has isolated a naturally-occurring virus, secured specialised raw stuff and glass vials, also will be defined…

3 years ago

Eggs get Costly due to Reduced supply in Kolkata

KOLKATA: Cost of eggs at Kolkata markets is moving up in a period when grilled chicken has been sold at…

3 years ago

NIA arrests Tamil Nadu Childhood

TRICHY: National Investigation Agency (NIA) officials have detained a 20-year-old guy in connection with a case of conspiracy to kill…

3 years ago