
Kabab engineer prashant patent bag for 2-cylinder trolley

Yavatmal: Prashant Dehankar, LPG Gas Dealer Kalamb, 22 km from here, pocketed a global patent for his discovery - a…

2 years ago

Punjab CM Channi said Prashant Kishor at Congress MLAS met, triggering speculation

New Delhi: Prashant Kishor's political strategy, which has made several critical observations about his Congress and his leadership in the…

3 years ago

Punjab Congress tends to restore Prashant Kishore as a political strategist before the assembly poll, said CM Channi

Chandigarh: Congress plans to recall Prashant Kishore as a political strategist for the election of assembly of Punjab 2022.Wahyu was…

3 years ago

The tourism industry welcomes the government’s movement of visa resuming service leaders

New Delhi: The tourism industry welcomes the central government's steps considering the issuance of tourist visas when the Covid-19 case…

3 years ago

Barbanki police put the brakes on the spree carlifting alley

Lucknow: Barbanki Police claimed to have broken a car thief operating mainly in Lucknow and Barabanki with the arrest of…

3 years ago

2022 Polling: GFP name candidate for Canacona

POINGUINIM: President of the Forward Goa Party (GFP) Vijai Sardesai on Saturday said Goa needed a "CONNENSUS candidate" at this…

3 years ago

Prashant Kishor resigned as the main advisor for Punjab cm

Chandigarh: Strategic Pollika Prashant Kishor has resigned as an advisor to the Principal of the Minister of Punjab Amarinder Singh…

3 years ago

Alleged theft, the young man was beaten by the police

Agra: A 19-year-old young man allegedly beaten brutally by a policeman because of suspicion in a shop close to his…

3 years ago

Agra: 19 years beaten by the police for suspicion of theft

Agra: Yash Verma, 19, allegedly beaten brutally by a police officer for the suspicion of theft in a shop close…

3 years ago

Villagers died at Landmine Blast on Palamu

Daltonganj: A civilian was feared to have been killed in the BooBy trap placed by CPI Maois at the legs…

3 years ago