
Patna: Buzz Campus Back at School After 4 Months

Patna: Returns of higher school students to schools in Bihar have brought Buzz back on campus after almost four months.Van…

3 years ago

Taboo celebrates 30 years in the film

Bollywood Actress Tabu finished 30 years in the film since the first released Tollywood 'Coolie no' 1 starring the South…

3 years ago

BJP Sweeps Violence – Hit Up Block Pramukh Polls

Lucknow: After sweeping the election of the Chairperson of Zila Panchayat, the BJP-supported candidate registered a victory in more than…

3 years ago

Punjab State Power Corporation Limited Buying more power to meet increasing demand

Patiala: To meet the increasing demand for electricity in the ongoing rice season, Punjab State Power Corporation Limited (PSPCL) Director…

3 years ago

New insect species are found in biodiversity nilgiris

Udhagamandalam: Researchers from the Molecular Biodiversity Laboratory in the Ministry of Zoology and Biology Wildlife in Government Arts College in…

3 years ago

Wimbledon has a maximum crowd of the quarter-finals and so on

LONDON: Wimbledon will have a capacity crowd from a single quarter-final and so on due to covid-19 restrictions on the…

3 years ago

Prepare a list of sanitation staff, work plans, officials said

Gurugram: City corporate commissioner Gurugram (MCG) has directed officials to prepare a list of sanitation workers deployed in each zone…

3 years ago

West Bengal: Office Welcomes a 50% Labor Increase to Work

Kolkata: The company office prepares to accommodate more employees with an increase in attendance guidelines from July announced by the…

3 years ago

Delta variant may have turned second wave deadlier in Assam: Experts

GUWAHATI: The second wave of Covid-19 may have taken a deadlier turn in Assam mainly due to the presence of…

3 years ago

Delta variant may have turned second wave deadlier: Experts

GUWAHATI: The second wave of Covid-19 may have taken a deadlier turn in Assam mainly due to the presence of…

3 years ago