
Sonu Nigam dedicated Padma Shri to his mother

Popular playback singer Sonu Nigam has been awarded with the Padma Shri, the fourth highest civilian award of the country,…

2 years ago

Padma Shri for the Shuttler Pramod Bhagat

Sambalpur: Grips Yubilation Western Odisha After the announcement of the Padma Shri Award for Fake Badminton players, Pramod Bhagat, who…

2 years ago

IIIT-the directors given this year’s educator award, 2021

Prayagraj: Making City and Proud Institutions, Director of the Indian Information Technology Institute, Allahabad (IIITI-A), Prof.P Nagabhushan, has been given…

2 years ago

SSG Nurse for awarded the Nightingale Florence award

Vadodara: He has worked without a holiday during the Covid-19 pandemic.In fact, he was one of the first in the…

3 years ago

Jhansi said ‘Thank you Modi’ to rename ‘the’ Khel Ratan ‘award after Dhyanchand’s name

Finished / Alvi Jhansi: Student Score, Socialite, Residents and BJP leaders issued a big rally on Sunday on the opportunity…

3 years ago

MSU PhD Abstract Abstract Wins Int’l Schipara Award

Vadodara: PhD Student Zoological Department, Hitarthi Vyas, has won Paul Dudley White International Scholar Award.The prestigious award recognizes the author…

3 years ago

Covid-19 vaccine creators win prestigious Spanish award

MADRID: Seven researchers whose work contributed to designing the Covid-19 vaccines have won Spain's prestigious Princess of Asturias award for…

3 years ago