
Punjab: Glad by saving water from rice cultivation, say farmers after switching

Jalandhar: Farmers who use alternative water-saving techniques to fertilize rice have got results that are almost the same as those…

3 years ago

Government government to get gram black and green from farmers

BELOGIVIVI: The Government Government has given approval for the country to buy gram black and green from farmers.According to orders…

3 years ago

Sugar cane productivity up to four quintals per hectare

Lucknow: Cane Cultivation at Uttar Pradesh Touches new height with the average sugar cane production reaches 815 quintals per hectare…

3 years ago

Karnataka: Farmers turn to organic farming, reap harvested bumper soybeans

Hubballi: Usually, farmers grow soybeans using chemical fertilizers and pesticides, and get 10 quintals per acre.However, BCOM graduates from the…

3 years ago

Telangana police seize 120 quintals of black jaggery

MAHABUBABAD: Telangana police seized 120 quintals of black jaggery worth Rs 10.8 lakh and five quintals of alum.Acting on a…

3 years ago

Bhubaneswar Might not Endure Fani-type damage, ” Says IMD

BHUBANESWAR: The capital city is very likely to be spared by the devastating impact of cyclone Yaas which is predicted…

3 years ago