
Gurugram: Two workers died as a trench in the cave buildingGurugram: Two workers died as a trench in the cave building

Gurugram: Two workers died as a trench in the cave building

Gurugram: A 41-year-old woman and her 26-year-old brother died on Wednesday night after the trench wall they were digging in…

3 years ago
Varun to collaborate with Rajkumar HiraniVarun to collaborate with Rajkumar Hirani

Varun to collaborate with Rajkumar Hirani

Varun Dhawan will collaborate with the filmmaker of Rajkumar Hirani for a drama of a piece of life.According to a…

3 years ago
Hotelier was held to Cheat BizmanHotelier was held to Cheat Bizman

Hotelier was held to Cheat Bizman

Coimbatore: A rich hotel was arrested on Sunday by rural police because it was alleged to deceive RS 3 Lakh's…

3 years ago
Hotelier was held to Cheat BizmanHotelier was held to Cheat Bizman

Hotelier was held to Cheat Bizman

Coimbatore: A rich hotel was arrested on Sunday by rural police for allegedly deceiving a 3 lakh textile shop owner…

3 years ago
Puneth Rajkumar Will Be Given the K’taka Ratna AwardPuneth Rajkumar Will Be Given the K’taka Ratna Award

Puneth Rajkumar Will Be Given the K’taka Ratna Award

Bengaluru: Kannada Film Star Puneeph Rajkumar, who died after a heart stop two weeks ago, will be given 'Karnataka Ratna',…

3 years ago
Film Brotherhood, Government State Mark ‘Puneeth Namana’ to honor the late actorFilm Brotherhood, Government State Mark ‘Puneeth Namana’ to honor the late actor

Film Brotherhood, Government State Mark ‘Puneeth Namana’ to honor the late actor

Many leading members of the Kannada film industry and the main leaders of the Karnataka government held the beginning of…

3 years ago
Five held for the murder of the human CPI in veensFive held for the murder of the human CPI in veens

Five held for the murder of the human CPI in veens

Tiruvarur: The Special Police Team on Thursday arrested five people in connection with the murder of the Secretary of the…

3 years ago
Days after killing school children in the city, the killer uploaded a videoDays after killing school children in the city, the killer uploaded a video

Days after killing school children in the city, the killer uploaded a video

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3 years ago
I will be popular like my father one day: puneethI will be popular like my father one day: puneeth

I will be popular like my father one day: puneeth

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3 years ago
Kannadigas to hold a prayer meeting for puneeth rajkumarKannadigas to hold a prayer meeting for puneeth rajkumar

Kannadigas to hold a prayer meeting for puneeth rajkumar

Bengaluru: Kannadigas at the Silicon Valley Area Bay area, the US has held a warning service for Sandalwood Star Puneeph…

3 years ago