
The head of the Navy extended condolences to the family of three naval personnel who were killed on a ranvir ship

New Delhi: Admiral Naval Chief R day Kumar on Wednesday declared a sincere condolence to the family of three naval…

2 years ago

Three Navy personnel were killed in explosions on the warship in Mumbai Dockyard

New Delhi: Three naval personnel have lost their lives in the explosion on the Ranvir warship on the courtyard of…

2 years ago

Punjab: 2 Army personnel are held for leaking info to content

Chandigarh: Punjab Police on Tuesday solved cross-border espionage networks with the arrest of two army personnel on charges of spying…

3 years ago

Punjab police arrested 2 army personnel to spy on, giving a secret document to the contents of Pakistan

New Delhi: Punjab Police on Tuesday arrested two army personnel for allegedly spying and giving confidential documents to Pakistani Inter-Services…

3 years ago

Ranvir Shorey on co-parenting son Haroon

Ranvir Shorey and Konkona Sen Sharma, who parted ways after five years of togetherness in 2015, still share a cordial…

3 years ago