
Engran was arrested for trying to handle the princess

Nagpur: Atul Atra, 43, an unemployed engineer, was arrested for allegedly trying to inhibit his 12-year-old daughter under the influence…

3 years ago

Murder GGM Quadruple: ‘Defendant is a cheerful man’

Turugram: To his environment, Rao Rai Singh is 'Rao Sahab' or just 'tree man' because of his work to protect…

3 years ago

AHD: 2 is held to run a fake call center

Ahmedabad: Cybercrime police on Friday arrested two young men, both occupants of Sabamati, for allegedly deceiving American citizens by operating…

3 years ago

Sitting clean for Rathod in complaints of sex-for-work

Yavatmal: The Special Investigation Team (Sitting) formed by Yavatmal Supervisors from Police (SP) Dilip Patil-Bhujbal has given Chit to the…

3 years ago

Sex-for-job case: Sit Clean Chit to Ex-Maha Min

Mumbai: Special Investigation Team (Sitting) formed by Yavatmal Police Supervisors (SP) Dilip Patil-Bhujbal gave a clean chit to the former…

3 years ago

Two medical students sank

Rajkot: Two students from Medical College PDU Rajkot sank in the Dam check-on the suburbs late at night on Saturday…

3 years ago

Former Minister Junks Rathod Junks for-job

Yavatmal: The former Forest Minister Sanjay Rathod, who resigned from the Country Cabinet after his name was involved in a…

3 years ago

Six workers kidnapped two engineers through unpaid wages

Vadodara: Two employees from a construction company kidnapped allegedly by six workers who worked under them, followed the crack over…

3 years ago

The teacher in the case of Belora’s sexual abuse was suspended

Yavatmal: Assistant Teacher at Zilla Parishad Middle School in Belora in Yavatmal Tehsil Arun Rathod, 55, which was accused of…

3 years ago

Teen stress hanging yourself with Gujcet’s performance

Rajkot: A 16-year-old boy hung himself at his home in Kararna Village Lalpur Taluka from Jamnagar on Sunday night.He was…

3 years ago