
Guj, T’gana received Covid 9 death claims, 7 times from the official toll road

New Delhi: Data submitted by countries at the Supreme Court showed that the number of Covid compensation claims received by…

2 years ago

Punjab reported 20 Covid deaths, 6,656 new cases

Chandigarh: Covid claims 20 live again in Punjab while 6,656 new cases appear on Monday.One old death added to the…

2 years ago

Kolkata: 7 best friends died in the Sinthee fire

Kolkata: A broken fire in the cottage in Sinthee Ramlila early chart on Monday morning may have saved a vast…

2 years ago

Women were strangled to death in Thane, the police did the corner of the probe

Kalyan: 58-year-old Divorcee was found strangled to death in Dombivli (e) flat on Monday.Police said the gold chain, a ring…

2 years ago

The Covid Helpline number gets 12,471 calls

New Delhi: The Delhi government received 12,471 calls on Helpline Covid number 1031 for the past week, even when the…

2 years ago

Bikram Singh Majithia Booked for Flouling Norms Covid

Amritsar: A Cemara Registered against Shiromani Akali Dal (Sad) Bikram Singh Majithia for violating the Covid-19 protocol after a large…

2 years ago

Years Covid See More Suicide in Sabarmati

Ahmedabad: Pandemic Covid-19, who continues to register a surge in cases, also exacerbates risk factors related to suicidal behavior if…

2 years ago

Complaints of domestic violence for NCW rose 26% last year

New Delhi: In the midst of a raging pandemic, the number of women reaching the National Commission for Women to…

2 years ago

Two deaths, 2,464 new cases in a day

Letter: On Sunday, City added 2,464 positive cases for the calculation of the recording Koronavirus case, while 293 was tested…

2 years ago

60% of school students above 18 were not vaccinated

Ludhiana: Only 30% of government school students are above 18 vaccinated.According to data accessed by Toi, from 8,504 students over…

2 years ago