
Former Gail Cmd in court bench in the PSU case received SC lessons in proprietyFormer Gail Cmd in court bench in the PSU case received SC lessons in propriety

Former Gail Cmd in court bench in the PSU case received SC lessons in propriety

New Delhi: Appellate Electricity Tribunal's Technical Members and former Gail CMD Ashutosh Karnatak on Tuesday received a lesson with the…

3 years ago
HC Maha Govt’s question flip-flop on behalf for the DGP PostHC Maha Govt’s question flip-flop on behalf for the DGP Post

HC Maha Govt’s question flip-flop on behalf for the DGP Post

Mumbai: Bombay High Court on Monday roasting the country and questioning how on November 1 last year can then declare…

3 years ago
Today’s Horoscope, January 23, 2022: Check astrological predictions for Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer and other signsToday’s Horoscope, January 23, 2022: Check astrological predictions for Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer and other signs

Today’s Horoscope, January 23, 2022: Check astrological predictions for Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer and other signs

Read your horoscope predictions to find out what stars have for you today: Ariestoday, you are blessed by a positive…

3 years ago
MC urged the police to file a fireplace above the influence of the treeMC urged the police to file a fireplace above the influence of the tree

MC urged the police to file a fireplace above the influence of the tree

Ludhiana: Acting on complaints of trimming "Bruta" from four trees in Dugri Phase 2, city corporate officials have recommended another…

3 years ago
Tuberculosis test if cough continues for more than 2-3 weeks: New Covid Care Guidelines for Ministry of HealthTuberculosis test if cough continues for more than 2-3 weeks: New Covid Care Guidelines for Ministry of Health

Tuberculosis test if cough continues for more than 2-3 weeks: New Covid Care Guidelines for Ministry of Health

New Delhi: If the cough continues for more than two-three weeks, one must choose to investigate tuberculosis and other conditions,…

3 years ago
Home Test Kit Use Jumps, Maker says all data sent to the ICMR portalHome Test Kit Use Jumps, Maker says all data sent to the ICMR portal

Home Test Kit Use Jumps, Maker says all data sent to the ICMR portal

Gurgaon: Quick antigen testing kits for Covid have seen leaps in sales in the city when the case has soared…

3 years ago
Steps to revoke 122 actions in KeralaSteps to revoke 122 actions in Kerala

Steps to revoke 122 actions in Kerala

Thiruvananthapuram: The Legal Department has begun the procedure to revoke 122 actions imposed in the state for various purposes since…

3 years ago
Recommended ‘Halal’ BCCI for Cricketers India increases eyebrowsRecommended ‘Halal’ BCCI for Cricketers India increases eyebrows

Recommended ‘Halal’ BCCI for Cricketers India increases eyebrows

New Delhi: A line involving BCCI erupted on Tuesday after it appeared that only 'Halal' meat was recommended for Indian…

3 years ago
T’gana officials urge people to go for the third vax doseT’gana officials urge people to go for the third vax dose

T’gana officials urge people to go for the third vax dose

Hyderabad: Even when the Central Ministry of Health said it would soon release policy documents at the third booster dose…

3 years ago
SC deducants for sand mining from river beds in RajSC deducants for sand mining from river beds in Raj

SC deducants for sand mining from river beds in Raj

Jaipur: The Supreme Court on Thursday gives sanctions on sand mining from river beds in the state and approved recommendations…

3 years ago