
Iranian President warned emergency arms class

TEHERAN: Iranian president who came out on Wednesday warned his country could enrich the uranium at the 90% weapon level…

3 years ago

Rouhani demanded US apology for Downing Iranliner in 1988

Tehran: Iranian President Hassan Rouhi has demanded an apology from the US government to suspend Iranian passenger flights in 1988…

3 years ago

Iran at risk of fifth wave Covid-19 as Delta variant spreads: Rouhani

Dubai: Iran can face the fifth wave of Covid-19 infection as a highly transmitted Delta variant of Coronavirus spread through…

3 years ago

Iran Afraid of Covid ‘Fifth Wave’ Related to Delta variants

Tehran: President Hassan Rouhani expressed Concerns on Saturday that Iran will be hit by a new wave of Pandemic Covid-19,…

3 years ago

‘Dawn of new Age ‘:’ Iran’s conservative Media hails Raisi Triumph

TEHRAN: Iran's conservative media Sunday celebrated the presidential election triumph of ultraconservative cleric Ebrahim Raisi whereas the marginalised reformist camp…

3 years ago

Iran field narrows as Applicants quit on Effort’s Final day

TEHRAN: Iran's presidential competition led toward a showdown involving the nation's hardline judiciary primary and medium former Central Bank chief…

3 years ago

Subdued Iran vote will still Affect wider Mideast

DUBAI, United Arab Emirates: Iran's presidential elections on Friday, although probably a coronation to get a hard-line candidate cultivated by…

3 years ago

Iran’s Rouhani yearsFrom Chills to disappointment

TEHRAN: Promising better openness in the home and outreach overseas when he had been chosen in 2013,'' Iran's incoming average…

3 years ago

Voices of Iranians Before the presidential election

TEHRAN: Iranians this week will be planning to vote or maybe to boycott an presidential election that lots of fear…

3 years ago

‘Long and difficult’ path to political equality for Iran women

TEHRAN: Iranian women's poor political representation could be set to worsen under an ultraconservative poised to win next week's presidential…

3 years ago