
The rebels came out against the Cong in Samrala, Sahnewal

Ludhiana: Peeved did not get a party ticket, two Congress leaders - MLA 4-time from Samrala Amrik Singh Dhillon and…

3 years ago

Election of Punjab Council: Ticket Denied, Satwinder Bitti raises a question mark for the slogan ‘Ladki Hun Lad Sakti Lad Sakti Hun’ Congress

Ludhiana: The leading leader of the Sahnewal Congress at the Satwinder Ludhiana Satwinder Bitti has rebelled after the party denied…

3 years ago

Ticket Finders Cong Fume for Distribution Delays, Nominations Starting Today

Ludhiana: Because the submission of paper nomination for the election of the Punjab Council will begin on Tuesday, congressional ticket…

3 years ago

Election of the Punjab Assembly: dissatisfaction in Congress as a delayed ticket

Ludhiana: Because the submission of paper nomination for the election of the Punjab Council will begin on Tuesday, congressional ticket…

3 years ago

Gang Snatchers caught with five arrests

Ludhiana: Police damaged a group of snatchers with five arrests on Saturday night.Three cellphones, three motorbikes and sharp-edged weapons were…

3 years ago

Ludhiana: Kanganwal murder solved with arrest of man, son

LUDHIANA: Sahnewal police, on Friday, claimed to have solved the Kanganwal murder case with the arrest of a man and…

3 years ago