
Can Carlos avoid passing BJP and doing a rare hat-trick in Vasco?

After a developing hub for commercial activities, Vasco is now deactivating a nursing display.Broke the road, the buildings in the…

2 years ago

Property prices in Goa will rise 10-15%, said Credit

Panaji: Worried about the increase in the price of construction of construction materials, including cement and steel, the Confederation of…

3 years ago

Allow school from Nursery to class VIII to reopen from Monday, the Task Force said

PANAJI: The State Task Force on Tuesday decided to approve the Covid Expert Committee's decision and recommend that the government…

3 years ago

Goa Expert Panels make a nod for offline classes for I-VIII

PANAJI: The Committee on Covid has decided to recommend to the state government to reopen schools for class I to…

3 years ago