
More than 10K job seekers are selected at a job fair

Thiruvananthapuram: Around 10,457 job seekers have received guarantees of placement at the Job Exhibition conducted by Kerala Kerala Knowledge Mission.Job…

2 years ago

Pope returned to Greece Isle in the heart of European migrant debate

Lesbos (Greece): Pope Francis returned Sunday to Lesbos, Greece Island at the heart of a large migration wave to Europe…

3 years ago

Hotmail’s Bhatia started a video job

New Delhi: Sabeer Bhatia may have lived through one of the largest achievements that can be dreamed of by TechPreneur…

3 years ago

Afghanistan in Indonesia protested the slow resettlement of the UN resettlement

Jakarta: Hundreds of Afghan refugees and asylum seekers living in Indonesia rose in front of the UN refugee office in…

3 years ago

Afghanistan in India was worried about relatives because the Taliban intensified the attack on security forces in the war-hit by a war

New Delhi: Thousands of Afghan refugees and asylum seekers in India live in fear and uncertainty because the Taliban intensify…

3 years ago

Head of PSC: Request for an unrealistic ranking list extension

Thiruvananthapuram: PSC Chairman MK Sakeer said on Wednesday that the demand to extend the validity of the PSC ranking list…

3 years ago

Grounded: Crooks that offer airline jobs

New Delhi: Two dropouts and the other 10 have been arrested for running a fake call center and deceiving people…

3 years ago

US military base in Virginia to accommodate 2,500 Afghanistan working for America during the war against the Taliban

KABUL: Biden Government on Monday said it would evacuate 2,500 Afghan visa seekers along with their families working for America…

3 years ago

British migration plans can propose offshore detention for asylum seekers

LONDON: The British government will propose plans on Tuesday to place asylum seekers in offshore detention centers and arrest those…

3 years ago

1,092 registered on Delhi / Day job sites in June

New Delhi: When the opening process gets momentum, more and more people who are looking for work have been registered…

3 years ago