
BA.2 ‘Stealth’ variant in 80% of omicron infection cabbage

Kolkata: Nearly 80% of the positive covid samples sent for the genome sequencing by the laboratory in the city have…

2 years ago

Omicron siblings BA.1 quickly replaces Delta, said Insacog

Pune: Scientists in the Insacog Biotechnology Department (SARS-COV-2 India's genomic consortium) who work on the sequencing of the genome of…

2 years ago

Omicron scare: Uttar Pradesh for strict vigiles on the border

Lucknow: After a new threat from Covid-19 in the form of Omicron, the Government of Uttar Pradesh ordered an intensive…

3 years ago

Punjab: Delta variants found in all positive cases

Chandigarh: Very contagious Delta (B.1.617.2) The SARS-COV-2 variant has been found in all the positively tested samples for Covid-19 in…

3 years ago

Covid-19: Delta, 2 dominant sub-lineage in Bengaluru

Bengaluru: From a total of 298 swab samples collected from Covid-19 patients in Bengaluru and sent to sequencing genomes, three…

3 years ago

Raj keep watching in Corona variants found in South Africa

Jaipur: The situation of the pandemic in the state seems controlled but a new variant found in South Africa has…

3 years ago

Goa has a Delta Plus case in July, patients recover

Panaji: The first case of the Delta-Plus variant of the Coronavirus novel in Goa was revealed on Monday.This case is…

3 years ago

Accounts that are not vaccinated for 65% of Delta + cases in Maharashtra, 16% have 2 shots

Mumbai: around 65% of people identified with Delta-plus variants in the state of unfavorable.Of the 103 Delta-Plus cases detected until…

3 years ago

VAX works for 6-9 months, Booster is required: Experts

Bengaluru: The immunity induced by the Covid-19 vaccine lasts for almost 6-9 months since the second dose is taken, and…

3 years ago

6 more Delta Plus cases found in Kolhapur, all recovered

Kolhapur: The administration of Kolhapur Regency has improved searches, testing and care in the area where six Covid-19 patients were…

3 years ago