
23-year refused to pay 50K Hospital, his extortion attacked him

Ludhiana: A 23-year-old man was brutally attacked with a sharp-edged weapon by a group of attackers in Shimlapuri for allegedly…

2 years ago

2 cellphones recover from home observation

Ludhiana: Two cellphones recover from observational houses in Shimlapuri on Monday.When the cellphone was found abandoned, the police had submitted…

3 years ago

Punjab: Disiodized Teen House Inmates for Five Months in Ludhiana

Ludhiana: The days after Ludhiana's observation inmates accused several inmates for poke for six days, other inmates had accused some…

3 years ago

Samples are taken, class switches to online mode

Students test positiveludhiana: the day after three students from different schools tested covid positive, each class turned to online mode…

3 years ago

Extortion extortion opens like a merchant refusing to pay

Ludhiana: A famous criminal, along with three maids, opened fire on a shopkeeper in Daba on Thursday night.The defendant tried…

3 years ago