
Scion Binani Moves HC for SFIO Calls related to ‘Fund Movement’Scion Binani Moves HC for SFIO Calls related to ‘Fund Movement’

Scion Binani Moves HC for SFIO Calls related to ‘Fund Movement’

Mumbai: Shradha Binani, Putri Brij Binani from Binani Cements (BCL), has transferred the Bombay High Court to challenge the call…

3 years ago
T’gana: ‘Asthi Visarjan’ scheme for kin of Covid victimsT’gana: ‘Asthi Visarjan’ scheme for kin of Covid victims

T’gana: ‘Asthi Visarjan’ scheme for kin of Covid victims

HYDERABAD: Days after the department of posts announced the launch of its ‘Asthi Visarjan’ initiative, Telangana has started the process…

4 years ago