
Indian Navy passes the Dornier plane for Mauritius police on rent

New Delhi: The Indian Navy has submitted the Dornier Variants of the passenger to Mauritius police forces on rent, the…

3 years ago

Punjab School Named Olympics Hockey Heroes

Chandigarh: The Punjab government has named 10 high school and medium schools after 11 Hockey players who won the Bronze…

3 years ago

Gadchiroli Conflict Zone Will travel from Maoist Hotbed to Sports Hub

Nagpur: Gadchiroli Regency is underdeveloped, the conflict zone affected by the Maoist movement, is set to watch the makeover of…

3 years ago

Gadchiroli collector shows the way by taking animals from the road

Nagpur: Gadchiroli District collector Deepak Singla last week issued instructions to the City Council and the Police Department to ensure…

3 years ago

Punjab to refer to the road after the winner of the medal

Chandigarh: The Punjab government announced Friday mentioning the road connecting to the residence and school winning of the Tokyo Olympic…

3 years ago

Lines after the number names of MLA Singla on the list of lawyers

Gurgaon: Some members of the Bar Association have objected to the name of Gurgaon Mla Sudhir Singla looking for the…

3 years ago

Delhi: He killed his husband, the police waited for 10 years to arrest him

New Delhi: Shakuntala is 18 years old when married to a man, Ravi Kumar, 22, against his wishes.He dated a…

3 years ago

Murder case: women run for 10 years held

New Delhi: A 28-year-old woman who has run since killing her husband 10 years ago was finally arrested at Alwar…

3 years ago

Kotkapura firing: Ex-director of prosecution resigns from SIT

CHANDIGARH: Former director (prosecution) of Punjab Vijay Singla, whose presence on June 22 was protested by former chief minister Parkash…

3 years ago

Punjab Declares school Positions for 2020-21

Chandigarh: Punjab school instruction and general public works minister Vijay Inder Singla declared the ideal government colleges for semester 2020-21…

3 years ago