
MEERUT: 70 years stabbed 23 times by Son

Meerut: A 70-year-old man was beaten, stripped and stabbed at least 23 times allegedly by his younger son because he…

3 years ago

Two more Attendees of the ‘Killer’ police arrested in Delhi

New Delhi: Delhi Police have arrested two police associations held to kill a 28-year-old man in East Delhi who was…

3 years ago

Police Delhi Police, 3 Aides Thrash 28 years old to death

New Delhi: A 28-year-old man was beaten to death in a new condel and his body was thrown out in…

3 years ago

Police Police Arrested for Killing Youth

New Delhi: Delhi Police Police have been arrested on Thursday for the murder of a young man in the Ashok…

3 years ago

Coronavirus recovery rate passes 99% in Rajasthan

Jaipur: Covid recovery rate has passed a 99% sign with 49 people recovering from the virus that took the calculation…

3 years ago

Raj: Load of active cases just 1.2% of overall infections

JAIPUR: Active cases are now only 1.2% of the state’s overall positive cases.On Thursday, the state’s active caseload stood at…

3 years ago