
Former Isoro Mylswamy Annadurai scientist remembers the gift he got to put ‘Indian flag in the month’Former Isoro Mylswamy Annadurai scientist remembers the gift he got to put ‘Indian flag in the month’

Former Isoro Mylswamy Annadurai scientist remembers the gift he got to put ‘Indian flag in the month’

Chennai: The teacher must be a lifelong student to remain relevant in the world that has changed quickly to form…

3 years ago
LGBT: Rajkot’s success story reaches the IIMB portalLGBT: Rajkot’s success story reaches the IIMB portal

LGBT: Rajkot’s success story reaches the IIMB portal

Rajkot: New initiative of Rajkot from inclusivity and the development of the skills of the Third Gender Community Marginal has…

3 years ago
Nio promotes 103 skills courses to help drop out of schoolNio promotes 103 skills courses to help drop out of school

Nio promotes 103 skills courses to help drop out of school

The National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS) currently teaches 103 skills courses throughout the domain to secondary and secondary secondary…

3 years ago
Delhi: Student license is now valid until March 31Delhi: Student license is now valid until March 31

Delhi: Student license is now valid until March 31

New Delhi: With a driving skills test was suspended since the beginning of this month due to a surge in…

3 years ago
Degree courses for skill traineesDegree courses for skill trainees

Degree courses for skill trainees

Bhubaneswar: Indira Gandhi National Open University (Ignou) has signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with the Ministry of Skills and…

3 years ago
Ignou to offer a general course at the 95 skill development center in OdishaIgnou to offer a general course at the 95 skill development center in Odisha

Ignou to offer a general course at the 95 skill development center in Odisha

Bhubaneswar: Indira Gandhi National Open University (Ignou) will provide high education for participants in the training center for skills development…

3 years ago
Aicte’s new assessment portal to qualitatively streamline engineering educationAicte’s new assessment portal to qualitatively streamline engineering education

Aicte’s new assessment portal to qualitatively streamline engineering education

The All India Technical Education Board (AICTE) has launched Parakh Parakh on January 7, 2022 to assess engineering students in…

3 years ago
TN requires special care to develop young people’s skills, said MinisterTN requires special care to develop young people’s skills, said Minister

TN requires special care to develop young people’s skills, said Minister

Erode: The Government of Tamil Nadu took the special care of youth in the development of their skills, said S.Muthusamy,…

3 years ago
Now, practice driving a car on the simulator before the final testNow, practice driving a car on the simulator before the final test

Now, practice driving a car on the simulator before the final test

Nagpur: The three regional transportation offices (RTO) - Kota, East and Rural representatives - have got two simulators driving their…

3 years ago
RG promises policy for education, skills developmentRG promises policy for education, skills development

RG promises policy for education, skills development

PANAJI: Revolutionary Goans on Saturday announced the promise of the fourth election, progressive policy for education and skills development.Manoj Paratab…

3 years ago