
AIS cadre rule: KCR wrote a letter to PM Modi

Hyderabad: Registering a strong protest over the amendment proposed to the All India (AIS) cadre rule (AIS) in the Officer's…

2 years ago

Punjab: HR Jagraon meets the oldest voter constituency

Jagraon (Ludhiana): To celebrate the actual spirit of democracy, on Monday, Magistrate Division Ero-Sub (HR) Jagraon Vikas Hira meets the…

2 years ago

The different festivals that are celebrated today signify a vibrant Indian culture diversity: PM Modi

New Delhi: Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Friday welcomed people on the occasion of various festivals related to harvest and…

2 years ago

The head complained of residents made Ahmedabad better for all

Ahmedabad: Suresh Dhavad, 32, is a contract worker who records the reading of the electricity meter, but the civilian spirit…

3 years ago

The ‘sad’ appearance of the spirit of the game by Warner, said Gambir

New Delhi: The former Indian opening Gabir has slammed Australian dough David Warner for hitting a double delivery of Mohammed…

3 years ago

‘Scientists play a major role in freedom’ struggle ‘

Thiruvananthapuram: Secretary of the National Organizing Vijnana Jayant Sahasrabudhe, who delivered Raman Lecture Sir CV here on Sunday, stressed the…

3 years ago

Hrithik lifted toast to the Indian Olympic team

The Tokyo 2020 Olympics finally ended on Sunday after the closing ceremony.After the emotional rollercoaster during the extraordinary show this…

3 years ago

Change the perception of the poor about the police: PM to conduct experiments

New Delhi: PM Modi on Saturday advised a collection of IPS experiments to change negative perceptions of the police and…

3 years ago

The provisions of the tharoor development in the house panel on it as ‘ping pong match’

New Delhi: War Words between BJP and Congress Lok Sabha MP Shashi Tharoor increased on Thursday with the latter, in…

3 years ago

Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 3 to come with support pen, confirm the company

New Delhi: Samsung consumer electronics giant has scheduled a Galaxy program that has not been dismantled for August 11.Various leaks…

3 years ago