
Most session sites today to give 2nd shots

Gurgaon: District on Monday will vaccinate at 25 government session sites, where 19 will be for Covaxin, four for covishield,…

3 years ago

Pune: Big Cut Sputnik V Of 18+ Groups

Pune: Just a few days after the Sputnik V debut at the City Hospital, data from the Ministry of Health…

3 years ago

5,000 Sputnik V doses that will be provided at 5 sites in Gurgaon

Gurgaon: The District Health Department has received 5,000 V sputnik vaccines which will be given in five government locations in…

3 years ago

People struggle to get sputnik jab as Cowin plays spoilsport

Coimbatore: Although the vaccine made by Russia, Sputnik is being offered in several hospitals and health care centers in the…

3 years ago

Administration Destination Sputnik Vacine Hospital in Kalyan-Dompivli

Kalyan: Hospital Personal Purpose in Dombivli Starts Giving Sputnik V Covid-19 Russian Vaccine to Kalyan and Dombivli residents, starting on…

3 years ago

Sputnik vaccine demand surged at B’luru Hospital

Bengaluru: People from other districts and even countries flock to private hospitals in Bengaluru, looking for a dose of Sputnik…

3 years ago

Sputnik v is available at government facilities starting today

Gurgaon: Russian Covid-19 Vaksin Sputnik V will be available on the site of government session in the city, sector 31…

3 years ago

The Govt Vaccination site will soon offer Sputnik V for free

Pune: Russian-made V Sputnik will soon become a third covid vaccine that will be available for free on the government-managed…

3 years ago

Sputnik will be offered soon on the Govt vaccine site

Pune: Sputnik V Russian V will soon become a third covid vaccine that will be available for free on the…

3 years ago

Slovakia sells most of the Vacine dose of Sputnik V back to Russia

Prague: Slovakia has sold most Russian vaccines Sputnik v Coronavus back to the country of origin, the Ministry of Health…

3 years ago