
Highways Ministry Forms Panel to check the court orderHighways Ministry Forms Panel to check the court order

Highways Ministry Forms Panel to check the court order

New Delhi: The Ministry of Highways has formed a committee to examine all arbitration awards or trial orders where the…

3 years ago
SC problem notice about petitions looking for uniform payments on HCSSC problem notice about petitions looking for uniform payments on HCS

SC problem notice about petitions looking for uniform payments on HCS

Chandigarh: The Supreme Court on Friday issued a notification to the Government of Trade Union, all states and UTS countries…

4 years ago
Not considering a proposal to reduce the gap between two covid vaccine doses, the government saidNot considering a proposal to reduce the gap between two covid vaccine doses, the government said

Not considering a proposal to reduce the gap between two covid vaccine doses, the government said

New Delhi: The current government does not consider a proposal to reduce the gap between two covid vaccine doses, the…

4 years ago
Less than 0.5% of respondents opposed the POPN control billLess than 0.5% of respondents opposed the POPN control bill

Less than 0.5% of respondents opposed the POPN control bill

Lucknow: Deparring Defraugter even for the selection of Sabha and Vidhan Sabha, confiscating their right to choose and relax in…

4 years ago
Under heavy rain parts of the caveUnder heavy rain parts of the cave

Under heavy rain parts of the cave

Panaji: Most countries experience heavy rainfall on Sundays.The Indian Meteorology Department (IMD) said that there would be an increase in…

4 years ago