
Chandigarh: Lake Open All Daily, Gyms to run with a capacity of 50%

Chandigarh: When the Covid-19 case actively dropped in the city, the UT government on Thursday decided to loosen limitations.This allows…

2 years ago

UT made pieces in the natural trail of Lake Sukhna

Chandigarh: UT government has cut traces of Nature Lake Sukhna towards the tip of the rules to make roads for…

3 years ago

Stop the waste flow from the chancellor to the Sukhna Forest, PB said

Chandigarh: The UT government has written a letter to the Punjab government to stop the flow of chances that are…

3 years ago

Far to WWF to prepare a plan for Sukhna’s wetland management

Chandigarh: The Wetland Chandigarh authority under the leadership of the Governor of Punjab-cum-UT Administrator V P Singh Badnore has given…

3 years ago

Starved of life, Chandigarh flirts with Covid

CHANDIGARH: A city craving for normal life stepped out on Wendesday to savour the relaxations in Covid restrictions — shopping…

3 years ago