
Hungary protested alleged illegal supervision with spyware pegasus

Budapest: About 1,000 Hungarians protested on Monday on charges that the government used Israel's pegasus spyware for illegal supervision of…

3 years ago

West Bengal Form Commission to investigate Pegasus Spyware Problems

Kolkata: In the midst of the Pegasus spyware controversy, the head of West Bengal Minister Mamata Banerjee on Monday announced…

3 years ago

Karnataka: After locking, the theft of Haveri’s surge

Haveri: Lull in Criminal Activities in Haveri - The consequences of welcoming from locking - seems to end, with the…

3 years ago

More than 25 people from the valley are potential spy targets: Reports

New Delhi: Several Kashmir journalists based in Delhi and more than 25 people from the Kashmir Valley were chosen as…

3 years ago

Pegasus in Kashmir: More than 25 of Valley was selected as a potential target

New Delhi: Besides Delhi-based Kashmir Journalists and a leading civil society activist who are critical of official policies against Jammu…

3 years ago

Every central agent is now a Pegasus Agent: Mamata

Kolkata: Bengal CM Mamata Banerjee is called "Pegasus Scandal ...the super-emergency is worse than emergency" on Thursday and repeating his…

3 years ago

‘A helper near the Dalai Lama is a potential pegasus target’

New Delhi: Telephone numbers belonging to co-coaters near the Tibetan Spiritual Leader Dalai Lama are chosen as 'interesting people' by…

3 years ago

Mamata urged SC to Suo Motu took the Snoop case

Kolkata: Bengal CM Mamata Banerjee on Wednesday alleged that the phone "must knock" because he urged the Supreme Court to…

3 years ago

TN: Acticist Gandhi, TPDK leader under supervision

Chennai: May 17 Founder Movement Thirmahurugan Gandhi and Thterthai Periyar Dravidar Kazhagam Kazhagam (TPDK) K Ramakrishnan is under supervision for…

3 years ago

Monsanto officials are under the supervision: report

New Delhi: Monsanto officials allegedly under supervision in 2018 when the BJP government in Maharashtra investigated BT cotton seed tissue,…

3 years ago