
Spl House for Pocso offence survivors

Thiruvananthapuram: Shortly, a distinctive house will be installed at the area for child sexual abuse survivors that are emotionally challenged…

3 years ago

Punjab: Several eyewitness accounts of ’84 action shared online this year

JALANDHAR: Eye-witness accounts of several survivors were video recorded and streamed on different online platforms during Operation Bluestar this year.A…

3 years ago

Eye-nose infection in 45% of mucormycosis deaths: Study

AHMEDABAD: In one of the first comprehensive studies of mucormycosis prevalence and mortality in India, a study across 16 centres…

3 years ago

One-stop centres to provide legal, medical support for Indian women to be set up across 9 countries

NEW DELHI: In order to assist Indian women facing violence or any kind of distress when they are visiting overseas…

3 years ago