
The driver in prison for 4 years for teenagers is released on the DNA test

Mumbai: A 35-year-old driver spent almost four years in prison on charges of raping and impregnating a 13-year-old child released…

3 years ago

SC found a credible mentally ill female account, upholding the confidence of rapists

New Delhi: The testimony of a woman who was mentally challenged who had told the incident of rape committed to…

3 years ago

Mr. Britney’s Objects with Montgomery requests to improve security

WASHINGTON: Britney Spears Father Jamie Spears raised an objection to the request of his daughter's personal conservator to increase security…

3 years ago

#Metoo: Bill Cosby’s sex attack belief was reversed by the court

PHILADELPHIA: Pennsylvania's highest court overturned Bill Cosby's sex assault conviction Wednesday after finding an agreement with a previous prosecutor prevented…

3 years ago