
What Bill Gates said about Steve Jobs and the launch of iTunes

Their competition is quite famous for two leading CEOs in the world's largest technology company.Back in the 80s and 90s,…

3 years ago

Sunny Hinduja on his b’wood trip

‘When I bagged my first film while studying in FTII, I thought my life would be a bed of roses;…

3 years ago

5 ways to use space efficiently at a small house

The pandemic ignores the charm of multifunctional space and makes a niche for this design trend.The role of the house…

3 years ago

My job in Sri Lanka is to help other people’s mental health skills and health: bhuvneshwar

Colombo: Senior Indian Speedster and Deputy representative for Sri Lanka continuous tour, Bhuvneshwar Kumar, said his role as Deputy Shikhar…

3 years ago

NDMC places a sign on households that do not separate waste

New Delhi: Taking strict action against those who did not separate waste despite several warnings, the New Delhi Municipal Board…

3 years ago

Exclusive Saans actress on its financial struggle

Veteran TV and Bollywood actress, Shagufta Ali, who has been working in the industry for the last 36 years, is…

3 years ago

Belly Delhi Director Abhinay Deo on the next

Director Abhinay Deo marked 10 years of his debut film 'Delhi Belly' on July 1.To mark the occasion, the director…

3 years ago

Virgo Personality Characteristics: All Secrets You Need to Know

In the appearance, virgo humble, self-effacing, diligent, and practical, but under the surface, they are often natural, kind, and sympathetic,…

3 years ago

Harleen on the depiction of women’s character

"To be honest, there is a stereotype when it comes to describing a female uniform officer on the screen," Harleen…

3 years ago

BJP protests against uncertain power supplies

Ludhiana: Bharatiya District Leaders Janata Party (BJP) held protests against uncertain power outages and failure of the Congress Government in…

3 years ago