Mangaluru: In a separate incident, a total of nine people, including three women, caught trying to enter Mangalaru from Kerala…
Gurgaon: Drive mega vaccination has been planned in the city on Friday for 275 session sites, including 248 government sites,…
Chennai: With 1,559 new cases reported in TN, a decline in new cases continued on Thursday, although 17 districts reported…
Chennai: With 1,559 new cases reported in TN, a decline in new cases continued on Thursday, although 17 districts reported…
Kerala recorded 30,000-plus fresh Covid-19 cases for the second day of running, taking the Indian daily count to more than…
Washington: Chasing a member of the United States service that was killed in attacks outside the airport in Kabul, Afghanistan,…
Washington: At least four US military personnel were killed in an explosion outside Kabul airport on Thursday, the source told…
Washington: Chasing a member of the United States service that was killed in attacks outside the airport in Kabul, Afghanistan,…
Letter: A 22-year-old man was arrested on Thursday for allegedly raping a four-year-old girl in the area of Dindoli.The defendant…
Nagpur: vacancies at the top greatly affect the function of the main medical college, which has attached tertiary health care…