
Indian cricketers are fined for a slower levelIndian cricketers are fined for a slower level

Indian cricketers are fined for a slower level

Hove: The Indian Women's Cricket Team on Monday fined 20 percent of the cost of the match to maintain excessive…

4 years ago
Gavaskar, Maybe Not Tendulkar, the Biggest: Deadly umpire GothoskarGavaskar, Maybe Not Tendulkar, the Biggest: Deadly umpire Gothoskar

Gavaskar, Maybe Not Tendulkar, the Biggest: Deadly umpire Gothoskar

PUNE: While standing in his introduction Test as umpire at Kanpur at 1973, Madhav Gothoskar was contested from the then…

4 years ago
England team fined 40 per cent match fee for slow over-rateEngland team fined 40 per cent match fee for slow over-rate

England team fined 40 per cent match fee for slow over-rate

LONDON: England have been fined 40 per cent of their match fee for maintaining a slow over-rate against New Zealand…

4 years ago