Pure coral reefs are not nullized by warming the ocean found from TahitiPure coral reefs are not nullized by warming the ocean found from Tahiti

Pure coral reefs are not nullized by warming the ocean found from Tahiti

Paris: Scientists have found long reefs 3 km (1 km (1.8 miles (1.8 miles (1.8 miles) from a giant rose-shaped…

3 years ago
Package Kadamba DevP can affect the old Goa Heritage Site: localsPackage Kadamba DevP can affect the old Goa Heritage Site: locals

Package Kadamba DevP can affect the old Goa Heritage Site: locals

PANAJI: The plan to develop the outline of Kadamba (ODP) is contrary to the conservation agenda of the inheritance built…

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Documentary Doordarshan won awardDocumentary Doordarshan won award

Documentary Doordarshan won award

New Delhi: Doordarshan has brought cheers for India with a documentary on sign language for pocketing the UNESCO award on…

3 years ago
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UNESCO includes Srinagar in the list of creative cities

Srinagar: UNESCO includes Srinagar in the list of prestigious creative networks in the category of 'People and Culture and Crafts',…

3 years ago
After the UNESCO tag, a new focus on the T’gana Ramappa TempleAfter the UNESCO tag, a new focus on the T’gana Ramappa Temple

After the UNESCO tag, a new focus on the T’gana Ramappa Temple

Bengaluru: Ramappa Temple, 13th Century Architecture icon and technical miracle that resulted in the UNESCO legacy tag which was coveted…

3 years ago
Taliban Takeover triggers fear of Afghan heritageTaliban Takeover triggers fear of Afghan heritage

Taliban Takeover triggers fear of Afghan heritage

Islamabad: Bamiyan Cultural Center should be completed last month, featuring an extraordinary heritage from a site matched by the Afghan…

4 years ago
Taliban Takeover triggers fear of Afghan heritageTaliban Takeover triggers fear of Afghan heritage

Taliban Takeover triggers fear of Afghan heritage

Islamabad: Bamiyan Cultural Center should be completed last month, featuring an extraordinary heritage from a site matched by the Afghan…

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AHD: AMC website requires a monumental awakening

Ahmedabad: While we celebrate Ahmedabad declared a world heritage site in July 2017, see the official website of Ahmedabad Municipal…

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Ahmedabad: Four years after the walled by the Ahmedabad written by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site, Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation…

4 years ago
UNESCO said it would ensure the right to education for all AfghansUNESCO said it would ensure the right to education for all Afghans

UNESCO said it would ensure the right to education for all Afghans

Paris: In the midst of a rapidly growing event in Afghanistan, the Director General of UNESCO Audrey Azoulay has stated…

4 years ago