
Ahmedabad: Violator Get Fest Shield

Ahmedabad: With 21,000 active cases, Covid-19 has tightened his grip in the city but during a long Uttarayan break, violators…

2 years ago

Gujarat: more maja-hits for birds this year

Ahmedabad: Flamingo, Treason, Eagle, Yellow Green Merpati, Ibises, Kuntul, Comb Duck, and General Crows and Merpati are among birds saved…

2 years ago

Happy Sankranti Makar 2022: Pictures, Quotes, Wishes, Messages, Cards …

With candy, khichdi, and lots of happiness, let Sankranti's treason fulfill your life with prosperity.Diversity, India, will celebrate Sankranti Makar…

2 years ago

Khichdo – One-Pot Wonder for Sankranti Makar

For Gujarat, Sankranti Makar, also referred to as Uttarayan, is a much-awaited festival.Kite festivals often last for two days (because…

2 years ago

President Kovind greeted residents on Lohri’s occasion, Sankranti Makar, Pongal, Uttarayan

New Delhi: President of RAM Nath Kovind on Wednesday greeted citizens on Lohri's occasion, Sankranti Makar, Pongal, Bhogali Bihu, Uttarayan…

2 years ago