
‘Maintain network on polling day’

Kanpur: The meeting with a representative of the network service provider was held here on Tuesday where the Deputy Election…

2 years ago

Dalit factors in elections

With 21% of the voting population, the community can make or experience good luck in the election

2 years ago

Punjab tax delayed February 20 because Ravidas Jayanti

New Delhi: The Election Election Commission on Monday shifted the date of the Punjab assembly agreement until February 20 since…

2 years ago

Voter list for west teacher segments ready

Dharwad: The last list of eligible voters registered in the Dharwad District for the constituency of Western Legislative Council Karnataka…

2 years ago

US US senators opposed the change in the Senate rules to pass the reform of voting rights

Washington: A major democratic senator said on Thursday that he opposed to change the rules of the Senate to allow…

2 years ago

US President Joe Biden to meet Democrats Senate on voting rights Thursday: Politico

WASHINGTON: US President Joe Biden will attend the Senate Democratic lunch on Thursday to discuss party encouragement to enforce the…

2 years ago

US President Joe Biden to ask members of parliament to us to protect democracy in the encouragement of Georgia’s voting rights

Atlanta: President Joe Biden on Tuesday tried to revive the reform of US election rights and against the new state…

2 years ago

The Das Moment in NYC: New Act Allows Non-Citizens to Choose

New York: More than 8.00,000 non-citizens and "dreamers" in New York City will have access to ballot boxes - and…

2 years ago

Goa citizens can enter names in the voter list until January 18

Panaji: Head of Kunal Election Officer said residents whose names were left behind from the selection roll still had the…

2 years ago

2 Panchayats in Rajasthan Vote to ban liquor

Jaipur: Two Panchayats, Barar and Weir, have become the fourth and fifth in Rajsamand District to choose the elimination of…

3 years ago