
Weighing 25kg 2 years old undergoing bariatric surgery

New Delhi: A two-year-old girl who weighed nearly 45 kg underwent a weight loss surgery at a private hospital in…

3 years ago

Is Chia seeds effectively to lose weight?

Do you remember hearing about Chia seeds when you start your weight loss journey? After you start your weight loss…

3 years ago

Asymptomatic diabetes new concern for HYD

Hyderabad: In a worrying trend that has made a health expert confused, hundreds of cases of asymptomatic diabetes came to…

3 years ago

A surge in demand for weight loss operations in AIIMS

New Delhi: After a brief lull, the demand for weight loss operations is increasing again.In AIIMs, the doctor said they…

3 years ago

A very heavy pandemic in teenagers

New Delhi: A senior lawyer recently brought his 13-year-old son to a hospital with a complaint that the boy obtained…

3 years ago

Sacrifice, exile: How is the Philippines Hidilyn Diaz made the history of the Olympics

Tokyo: Triumphant Weightlifter Hidilyn Diaz will now forget the years of exile, sacrifice, training and nutrients that take him to…

3 years ago

JOG, Diet helps 22 Bengaluru police lose 10kg

Bengaluru: Every morning and evening, Mahesh MK, 45, police chief with Karnataka State Reserve Police, Bengaluru, can be found running…

3 years ago

I dedicate this medal to my country: Mirabai Chanu

New Delhi: Five years ago, at the Rio Olympics, Mirabai Chanu could not record even a valid elevator in the…

3 years ago

Indian rowers fail to qualify for SF in a light man’s double scull

Tokyo: Indian rowing duo from Arvind Singh and Arjun Lal JAT qualify for Round Repothage after the fifth finishing in…

3 years ago

Colleges: College colleges form a cut-off formula with class X score

Kolkata: For students who are looking for admission to this year's undergraduate program, marks scored in the Council X exam…

3 years ago