
The US added 14 Chinese companies to the black economy list over Xinjiang

WASHINGTON: Biden Administration on Friday added 14 Chinese companies and other entities with a black list of their economies for…

3 years ago

The US will add more Chinese companies to the blacklist in Xinjiang

WASHINGTON: The Biden government was set on Friday to add more than 10 Chinese companies to its economy's blacklist for…

3 years ago

US adds 5 Chinese companies to export restrictions list over rights abuses

WASHINGTON DC: The United States has put five Chinese companies on its Entity List that restricts their ability to receive…

3 years ago

Pak PM Won’t Admit China’s repression of Uighurs

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan PM Imran Khan has defended his jumps reports of"genocide" of Uighur Muslims from China by asserting that Islamabad…

3 years ago

Pakistan PM Imran Khan Won’t Admit China’s repression of Uighurs

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan PM Imran Khan has defended his jumps reports of"genocide" of Uighur Muslims from China by asserting that Islamabad…

3 years ago

In China’s Fresh Xinjiang: patriotic tourism, riot police and minders

KASHGAR (China): As traffic to China's Xinjiang appreciated new motif park-style tourist centers showcasing the area's Muslim Uyghur civilization on…

3 years ago

US, EU pledge Alliance in Strategy against China Because of its Own Actions from Xinjiang, Hong Kong

BRUSSELS: Following the United States-European Union Summit, both sides vowed to carefully consult and collaborate on a broad selection of…

3 years ago

China slams G7’manipulation’ Later Xinjiang, HK Complaint

BEIJING: China on Monday accused the G7 of"political manipulation" once it criticised Beijing on its human rights document in Xinjiang…

3 years ago

US senator chides Apple, Nike for ‘using forced labour’ from China

WASHINGTON: A US senator on Thursday slammed top American companies including Amazon, Nike and Apple for using forced labour from…

3 years ago