
Myanmar took care of the US journalist to 11 years in prison

BANGKOK: The court in Myanmar who was ruled by the military on Friday dropped US journalists Danny Fenster to 11…

3 years ago

‘US journalists held in Myanmar were charged with terrorism, incitement’

An American journalist who was detained in Myanmar who was controlled by the military accused of incitement of dealing with…

3 years ago

Covid-19: Airplane Search Oxygen in Myanmar

Yangon: Residents in the whole largest city of Myanmar opposed the military curfew in a desperate search for oxygen to…

3 years ago

Myanmar caught guards because of wave cases, oxygen reduced

Bangkok: Soe wins standing in the line at the factory to buy oxygen for his grandmother, who struggles with the…

3 years ago

Myanmar Electricity Grid loses Spark as Power Bites Power

Yangon: Myanmar Power's company supported by the State warns his customers Friday their electricity supply can be disturbed if they…

3 years ago

Protester Myanmar Mark 1962 Rallies against the first junta

Yangon: The protesters crashed into the streets in Myanmar on Wednesday to mark the 2006 warning students' protest against the…

3 years ago

Myanmar torches over half-billion dollar drugs stash

YANGON: Myanmar authorities torched over half a billion dollars worth of narcotics across the country on Saturday, sending opium, heroin…

3 years ago