
The brotherhood of cricket was stunned grieving the death of Sharma Yashpal

NEW DELHI: India's cricket fraternity was in shock and disbelief as it mourned the death of 1983 World Cup hero…

3 years ago

Jatin Sarna at Yashpal Sharma’s death

Reldering of former Yashpal Sharma Cricket has sent India into gloom.The cricket was very looking forward to the depiction by…

3 years ago

Death Yashpal Sharma left the teammate ‘surprised, by disbelieving’

Mumbai: The 1983 World Cup Hero in 1983 Yashpal Sharma died suddenly on Tuesday as a heart attack left his…

3 years ago

India 1983 WC Hero Yashpal Sharma died of a heart attack

New Delhi: India 1983 World Cup Hero Yashpal Sharma died on Tuesday after suffering from a big heart stop here.He…

3 years ago

BJP calms the senior leaders ‘annoyed’, Dhami takes an oath as u’khand cm

Dehradun: The day after Khatima Legislator Pushkar Singh Dhami was named as a choice of cm by BJP to replace…

3 years ago