
Zirakpur probe illegal colony explained rotten

Mohali: The four housing communities of Zirakpur have made illegal construction violating the master plan, according to the findings of…

3 years ago

Punjab: Zirakpur Sink, Guardian Civic in the Sea

Mohali: If the pitter pitter sound entertains people when they go to sleep in their housing society and judge in…

3 years ago

Punjab: Gunpoint Daylight robbery in Zirakpur

Mohali: An armed robbery during the day rocked Zirakpur here on Thursday when four men forced into the home of…

3 years ago

Chandigarh: Police restored prohibited liquor in 2 cases

Mohali: Police, along with the Excise Ministry, arrest a leeway and restore illegal liquor from him.Allegations have been identified as…

3 years ago

Punjab: Sweat makes their blood boil

Mohali: The claims of "Power Surplus" The Punjab government sounds like a joke in the Mohali district, which has faced…

3 years ago