Taliban claimed the arrest of the main city in Kandahar – News2IN

Taliban claimed the arrest of the main city in Kandahar

Taliban claimed the arrest of the main city in Kandahar
Written by news2in

Islamabad: Taliban on Wednesday claimed to have arrested a major city in Kandahar Selatan province which functions as Afghan’s main border crossing with Balochistan Province of Balochistan Pakistan.
Pakistani authorities sealed the border of Boldak Chelan-Spin Crossing for all types of trade and travel after the Taliban won the area, the border security official said.
In a video distributed by Toi, an Afghan rebel leader called it a “peace” takeover of the border in the city of Wesh South Afghan Province and claimed that 50 border guards had joined them without putting resistance.
This video shows the flag of Pak-Afghanistan appointed above the building in the background.
Zabihullah Mujahid, a spokesman for militant group, said an important road connecting to the border Wesh-Chaman crossed with Pakistan now under their control.
Afghan troops, locals in the border area said, gave up the main trade route after a fierce battle with the rebels.
In a twitter post, Mujahid assured the local population that the Taliban would maintain security in the area and that cross-border trade would be continued after the agreement was achieved with Pakistan.
The post is the second most important crossing on the Afghan border which is locked in land with Pakistan, connects the city of Kandahar to Afghanistan to Ports Pakistan.
Afghan government data shows around 900 trucks across the border bordak chelan-spin every day.
The militants seized control of the post a week after the Afghan main trade gateway with Iran Neigboring and Turkmenistan in West Herat Province had fallen to the Taliban.
With a scourge of the brother’s war in the country, the Taliban had intensified their attacks from the north of the country to the south because US forces emptied their biggest military bases in Bagram.
In recent weeks, militants have even gotten land in areas that have never been considered their fortresses.
Hundreds of Afghan soldiers have fled to Tajikistan and many others surrendered earlier this month when the Taliban arrested most of the northern province of Badakhshan, bordering China and Pakistan.
One of the most significant wins from rebel forces in recent weeks was the arrest of the Panjwai district in Kandahar.
It has fallen into Taliban hours after America empties the Kandahar military base.
It has placed the city of Kandahar, the second largest city in Afghanistan, under Siege.
Kandahar, who is the birthplace of the Taliban movement, has become a fierce battle place between guerrillas and NATO forces for more than a decade.
Taliban, according to an independent source, now claims to have control over 200 of 460 districts in 34 provinces.
Most of them have fallen on rebels after US forces and NATO began withdrawing their troops left in a war-hit country.

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