Taliban continued school only boys, did not mention women – News2IN

Taliban continued school only boys, did not mention women

Taliban continued school only boys, did not mention women
Written by news2in

KABUL: The Ministry of Education Afghanistan, led by the Taliban has directed all secondary schools to be continued from Saturday, however, direction only mentions male students, not referring to the date of return for girls.
This contradicts the promises made with clothes after assuming power in Kabul last month.
“With this, students and teachers from all private and emirati (government) middle school, secondary school and religious school are asked to return,” Khaama Press quoted official direction.
The Taliban announced a temporary government last week, with many promises, convincing not to repeat the previous Taliban regime policy (1996-2001).
However, reports that come from the land say differently.
According to media reports, women are prohibited from going to work, and a number of them have shown to demand their rights to work and education.
Experts and members of the international community have raised concerns about the future of teachers and female students.
The new education minister was appointed Shaikh Abdulbaqi Haqqani said that education activities would take place in accordance with sharia law.
A week ago, private universities and other higher education institutions were reopened but the class was divided by gender.
Many people have painted this step, which will seize high education girls as a major university in the country unable to provide different classes due to scarcity of resources.
Meanwhile, ‘Afghan Islamic Emirates’ also closed the ministry of women and replaced it with a boost of the ministry and promotion of virtues, and representative prevention.
‘During the last time Taliban, from 1996 to 2001, women were forced to wear burqa, not going outside without guardians.
The time of prayer was forced brutally, a man was forced to foster beards.
Moral police are installed on each road, to punish violators with hard punishment such as whipping, amputation, public execution.

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